Stepping Onto The Path

Stepping Onto The Path

I've often sat and contemplated about exactly when I took my first solid step on the path of healing, and the driving force behind it.  It could have been many different times and reasons but, maybe the real answer is, I've always been.  At different times, I've taken the easy road and others the rugged, rooted, foggy and unclear way.  The healing journey is often messy, unscripted, unorganized and unclear.  There is no right or wrong, only learning and growing and ultimately healing.  There is no finish line only the circle of clarity that comes with each trip around.  Each person's journey is different.  There is no one size fits all or any rhyme or reason to it.  I wholeheartedly believe that healing is multilayered and involves not only healing the physical, but the emotional and spiritual layers as well.  Each one affects the others in both a positive and negative way.  If you truly want to heal, you must get to the root of each layer.  Some run very deep, some rooted in past lives, some in our personal traumas big and small, some in genetics, some in environment, some in diet, some spiritual and some in our current lifestyles.  There are many people out there that believe they know the way.  I would like to offer you some caution in your search.  Here are some truths I have realized for myself.  Keep what resonates with you and discard the rest.  Your body has every capacity to heal itself given the right circumstances.  You alone are all you need to heal.  Be careful not to give your power away to any other person, be it a doctor, naturopath, health coach, spiritual guide, religious leader, parent, friend, etc.  There are people out there that can help guide you and point you in different directions, but you alone need to make the choices.  Connect into your intuition, your inner voice and gut feelings.  It is there that you will find the answers.  Healing doesn't happen overnight, it is a continuous spiral.  Have empathy and compassion for yourself.  Continue to search for YOUR truth.  It is ok to have thought you knew the way and do a complete 180 and start a new path.  Every day is a good day for a fresh start.  You got this.  Believe in yourself.  Know you are not alone, but that you alone can change the course of your life at any moment you desire.  I am here to offer my experiences, and my guidance to anyone who needs a light shined onto their path.  Because in the end, we are all just walking each other home.
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1 comment

Amen Sister!
I love this. It is so very true.
I am so looking forward to working with you.

Karen Stirberg

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