Freedom & Sovereignty

Freedom & Sovereignty

It's Veterans Day and I'm a Veteran, so let's talk about freedom and sovereignty.  2020 to present day has given us the opportunity to embrace and embody true freedom and sovereignty over ourselves, our bodies and our minds. The pandemic was a perfect test of being led by fear or following our own innate trust, faith and intuition.  Never before has it been so apparent and in our faces then it has been these last couple of years.  If you've followed my journey at all, you know that since my diagnosis of RA (rheumatoid arthritis) I have chosen to follow my intuition and listen to that oh so important inner voice.  While many said I should accept what I was handed and listen to the doctors, a stronger voice inside me said no.  I honored that voice and chose my own path forward.  Around this time last year, when my employer chose the mandate, I said no, and once again stood my sacred ground.  Our souls know what is right and what is wrong for ourselves if we would only stop to listen.  Please let me be clear, I am not against western medicine, as it does have its place. 

Over the last 5 years, I have had multiple x-rays, 3 thyroid nodule biopsies, 2 breast biopsies, and numerous ultrasounds.  Through these experiences, I have gained a wisdom and a knowing for myself.  I choose and don't blindly accept.  I decide now, if I allow someone to inject or remove pieces of my body.  Too many times I've sat and listened to a doctor dictate what my next steps should be.  Too often we are given advice by people who have no experience of what it is we are going through or how we feel, and then judged, mocked or ridiculed for choosing a different path.  And to be fair, I could and will equally criticize the holistic side as well.  I once worked with a naturopathic doctor a few years back.  He prescribed a list of supplements to take with no end in sight.  There was no discussion about diet, exercise, or lifestyle changes.  There was no getting to the root.  They were all band aid fixes.  Symptoms are not something to just be suppressed.  They truly are whispers from our body to show us that something is out of alignment. 

My advice?  You need to be your own advocate, because ultimately this life is yours to live however you see fit.  I'm encouraging you to take your power back.  Do your research and make your own informed decisions.  Healing is multifaceted.  One pill, herb, supplement, treatment, diet plan, essential oil, or therapy session, is not where your true healing lies.  True healing lies within you.  You are the medicine you've been waiting for.  Declare your freedom and sovereignty today and always.  You got this!  I believe in you. 


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